Concepts of Embodiment in Interdisciplinary Work Within a Musical Context
author(s): Sarah Albu
published in: KC Research Portal
Integrated musical experiences have long existed, previous to and outside of the traditional concert music setting. Interdisciplinary approaches to performance creation are becoming more accepted and more common in academic music contexts. This research asks the question "How does the concept of embodiment serve the creation of interdisciplinary work within a musical context?", examined through the lens of definitions of embodiment, spinning, technology, community, and inter/multidisciplinary vs. intermediality and expanded through case studies of two of the author's recent performance works.
The sounds of food: Defamiliarization and the blinding of taste
author(s): Tara Brabazon
published in: Journal of Sonic Studies
This essay – situated within the small but emerging field of sonic food studies and gastronomic auditory cultures – is positioned in the gap between the sounds of food and the meanings derived from the behaviors and practices encircling food. In food studies literature, assumptions abound about multi-sensory engagement. Yet, the sonic components of food remain undertheorized. This sonic research article – consisting of an sonic artifact and exegesis – emphasizes and prioritizes sensory incongruity. Intentionally, the non-eating sounds of the digital and analogue interactions surrounding food are summoned. There is a reason for the focus on these interfaces. Working with Viktor Shklovsky’s theorization of defamiliarization or ostranenie (остранение), presented in his 1917 essay “Art as Device,” I am interested in reducing “automatization” and value “disruptions.” I have produced a sonic artifact that textualizes three slices of food sound: shopping for groceries, the delivery of food to a domicile, and cooking. These sounds were not slotted into a convenient narrative of a sonic documentary. They were not staged; they were not sound effects. There is a gap – of experience, expertise, perception, and meaning – between signifier and signified, the sound and its reception. The deferral of meaning creates hesitation, confusion, instability, and unsettles meaning systems.
Sound Presence (Media Portfolio)
author(s): Jan Schacher
published in: Research Catalogue
The media portfolio for 'Sound Presence'
Between control and uncertainty
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Marta Wörner Sarabia
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
"Between control and uncertainty" is a practice-led research that combines the kinetic study of the body as a structure and the implementation of media and expanded choreography tools to de-pattern the conventional relationship between body and space in performative environments.
Moreover, on a meta-level, the investigation reflects on the tension between control and uncertainty in the act of research itself.
With the firm belief that the body has inherent philosophical and epistemological knowledge which can be activated by experiencing and observing movement, I embraced the challenge to name and contextualize that knowledge.
This inquiry started from my fascination for the kinetics of the body and its ability to reorganize itself in comparison with other micro and macro structures that do not move that way, such a, for example, the microstructures of materials like metal, rocks or the macrostructures built by the geography of the city and the Port of Rotterdam.
The interdisciplinary research addresses the dichotomy structure-destructure and its application and affections to the body. In this sense, the research proposes a tool for de-patterning the habitual relationship between the body of the performer and the external space and offers to the audience a door for de-patterning their relationship with performative spaces.
The research has been framed under the inspirational umbrella of the idea of performing the Deleuzian concept of “becoming”, (deriving from the Latin verb “devenire” which means “coming down, falling in, arriving to”).
The physical inquiry is focused on the action of “falling in”, "devenire". The exploration led to an articulated and defined set of physical and interdisciplinary exercises that are the core of the dance practice ‘falling in’.
In concordance with the practice, the findings of this research can be seen as ways of controlling and ways of facilitating, allowing, provoking uncertainty within the choreographic practice-led research frame.
This research artistically materialized in the performance Falling in. Notes on body space and matter premiered in 2019.
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Naiara De La Puente Vadillo
This exposition is in review and its share status is: visible to all.
In my doctoral research, I aim to examine the role of the accordion in contemporary chamber music performance practices through a process of observation, exploration, examination, and reflection as an accordionist. The focus of this project is centered on four doctoral concerts, in addition to my own embodied experience as a professional musician in Finland and Spain, working with various ensembles and musicians.
By integrating artistic processes, outcomes, documentation, interviews, and text, this research aims to contribute new insights and findings to the field of artistic research and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities of modern accordion performance, professional career, and education.
This doctoral research project makes an original contribution to the field by exploring new knowledge and understanding related to artistic identity formation, specifically within the community of concert accordionists. By reflecting on the evolving identity of concert accordionists and considering their potential needs, this research sheds light on the present and future directions in the field. In addition to my own experiences and observations, I have relied on the valuable work conducted by predecessors who have researched various aspects of the concert accordion.
The full scope of this doctoral project includes four artistic components (four concerts) and an artistic doctoral thesis comprising an integrative chapter with three interrelated thematic sections. Section One delves into the aspects of the artistic possibilities of concert accordion in contemporary chamber music repertory. Section Two will analyze and examine the evolution of the accordionist's artistic identity formation, while the final section will provide a personal perspective on the evolving identity of concert accordion players and their potential needs within the field and proposes steps for their continued growth and development in the future.
Keywords: artistic research, embodiment, classical contemporary music, chamber music, accordion, artistic identity.
Finding one's own voice as an indigenous filmmaker
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Itandehui Jansen
connected to: Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
In this dissertation of Itandehui Jansen, the ‘Voice’ of the filmmaker from a political and aesthetic perspective is examined. Within film practice the own ‘Voice’ refers mainly to the aesthetic style of a filmmaker. Within the field of postcolonial studies 'Voice' is related to the access that postcolonial subjects have to the production of discourse. Movies and other media can be seen in this context as a form of discourse. For Indigenous filmmakers both approaches to ‘Voice’ and having a ‘Voice’ are important.
This study explores the way in which Indigenous filmmakers, particularly from Latin America, express their 'Voice' both politically and aesthetically in their films.
Performing with Plants - Att uppträda/ samarbeta med växter
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Annette Arlander
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition documents and archives the artistic research project performing with plants.
Denna exposition dokumenterar och arkiverar det konstnärliga forskningsprojektet att uppträda/samarbeta med växter.
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Heidi Möller, Katarina Eismann
connected to: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Welcome! We invite you to take part in an artistic exploration into Film and Media marking our Master Cohort’s graduation in June 2020. We are proud to present 17 gifted, brave and research ready students – all set to encounter the world!