NEUROPOSTHUMAIN : expérimentation transcyberféministe des techniques de l'hybridité en tant que critique des biopouvoirs dans une pratique de l'art performance technologique
author(s): Archie S. Reid
published in: Research Catalogue
Archie Reid (i(e)l) explore une pratique expérimentale du rapport à ses perceptions. Par une approche de l’hybride et des multiples (mad, trans, non-binaire, gender hacker), ses expérimentations du posthumain déconstruisent et reforment, par la méta-cognition, une exploration transformative de soi, des sens et des synesthésies.
Territorial Art, Design & Architecture
author(s): Sergio Montero Bravo
connected to: Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
This collaborative and cross-sectoral project addresses places, environments and spaces beyond mere functional urban endeavors. The project explores possibilities that become visible when public space is viewed from perspectives beyond the urban norm. The aim is to restore lost rural relations and to search for ways to leave the anthropocentric narrative. In the past, densification of cities has been considered synonymous with sustainable development, creativity and innovation. However, a one-sided urban focus leads to disarmament of rural habitats, and dissociation from human interdependence with non-human nature. Today, adaptation to global warming is dependent on the survival of the rural. Therefore, this artistic research project is primarily informed by activities in rural environments together with species and ecologies other than human and urban. The goal is to investigate how art, design and architectural interventions can foster oppositional narratives to anthropocentricity. What I present in this exposition are my most recent collaborations and a journey of professional metamorphosis to reach this goal. The result is a series of ongoing projects and processes that demonstrate how I explore places of communality, togetherness and mutual beneficial interdependency between species.
Ta Form
author(s): Klara Waara
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
This research, developed in Amsterdam during the repeated courses of lockdown between 2020 and 2022, examines the powers and limitations of fantasy. Processing the mental and ideological undercurrents in Europe, the text describes a trajectory where the visual artist appropriates the role of a poet to explore the possibilities for change and movement in isolation. As thinking, reading and writing alters the protagonist, the appropriating artist becomes appropriated by language. The gradual blending with the observed subjects raises questions about the distinction between the internal and external.
Metamorphosis: Strategies of Convivial Survival
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Marina Grzinic, Jovita Pristovšek, Sophie Uitz
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The last decade has witnessed a metamorphosis in terms of the co-development of a new definition and practice of conviviality as a positive, affirmative act of doing in the form of change. However, the pandemic in the form of social distancing, contagion and isolation presents a new obstacle to conviviality.
The aim of our work is to explore and develop artistic practices that have the potential to intervene in these disrupting dynamics of conviviality. We start from the assumption that arts-based research can function as an affirmative metamorphic force to deepen and strengthen convivial practices. We will engage in a practice of living together through shared learning in the format of convivial working groups and workshops.
This exposition will present the artistic scientific research line that is connected to the FWF-PEEK Project “Conviviality as Potentiality: From Amnesia and Pandemic towards a Convivial Epistemology” funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (AR679).
As part of our three-year research project, three Convivial Study Workshops will be organised in cooperation with our partner maiz – Autonomous Centre of and for Migrant Women in Linz; two will take place in Vienna (AT) and one in Linz (AT).
In the first year, we are planning the first workshop to explore the global narrative of the pandemic and the social order of distance, contagion and isolation. This condition has impacted numerous NGOs, artistic grassroot collectives and art students, migrant organizations and LGBT*QIA+ communities in the context of the anti-migration and anti-refugee regime in Austria.
In preparation for the actual workshop and in cooperation with the workshop participants we will create a Convivial Script — an exposition as a digitally produced performative story of learning and living, which will function as an archive of linguistic, visual, audio, textual interrogations/representations of obstacles to conviviality.
Towards Revolutionary Gardening
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): RUUKKU Voices: Palimama
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
In this exposition I will focus in the long term environmental and community art work with the Cloud Garden that channels on the way to the eventual discoveries finally together with the Biomimetixc2. The Cloud Garden is a site-specific, minuscule, 1 square meter space beneath my studio on Harakka Island, on the front of Helsinki.
The methods the project include artistic and biological metamorphoses, and they have been implemented in performance and environmental art works.
This suggests that amalgamation of floral and faunal appearances is highly potential source for biomimicry enabling us towards true revolutionary gardening.