Tree Encounters – Berlin Series #takecare
author(s): Carmen Raffaela Küster
published in: Research Catalogue
Tree Encounters – artistic dialogues of human and non-human bodies / #Berlin Series –
is the title of an Artistic Research project around the development of special movement forms of the body in suspension. The focus lies on the mutual interdependencies with nature/ the trees (in the urban sourrounding of this specific Berlin Series). In contrast to traditional movement concepts, especially in the classical aerial acrobatics, where an objectified body has cognitively been forced in 'preplanned' forms – in this work the Physical-Intuitive, the body-immanent knowledge is assigned more agency and a leading role. The practical artistic research is documented in this exposition mainly by video.
Behind the back of Linnaeus - Bakom ryggen på Linné
author(s): Annette Arlander
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
This bilingual exposition presents parts of the artistic research project “Performing with Plants”, video works created through repeated visits to a sycamore in Humlegården and a beech in Djurgården during the year 2017, and discusses the notion ecology of practices introduced by Isabelle Stengers. The exposition consists of an essay, the video works, and some working notes from the process as an appendix.
Denna tvåspråkiga exposition presenterar delar av det konstnärliga forskningsprojektet ”Att uppträda med växter”, videoarbeten som skapats genom upprepade besök hos en tysklönn i Humlegården och en bok på Djurgården under år 2017, och diskuterar begreppet praktikernas ekologi som introducerats av Isabelle Stengers. Expositionen består av en essä, videoverken, och några arbetsanteckningar från processen som bilaga.
Return to the Site of the Year of the Rooster
author(s): Annette Arlander
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
This exposition is centred around a video essay, which uses some parts of Animal Years, a series of one-year performance-projects recorded on Harakka Island in the years 2002-2014, as examples to create a form of "digital autotopography". Returning to the site of the performance Year of the Rooster (2006) and Christmas of the Rooster - Tomten (2006) twelve years later serves as a starting point for reflections on the materiality of the site, on the birches growing there as co-performers, and on revisiting and assembling old works as way of doing things with performance.
Practicing art - as a habit? / Att utöva konst - som en vana?
author(s): Annette Arlander
connected to: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
This bilingual exposition (English and Swedish) presents and problematizes the relationship between artistic practice and habit, describing two projects that deal with repetition and place. The projects 'Solsidan' and 'Summer at Söder' were undertaken during the years 2015-2016 in Stockholm. The idea of repetition and returning to the same site were crucial, as in much of my previous works. Unlike them, neither of these two projects involved performances for camera; in both the actual practice consisted of video recording the view. The shift in emphasis from an artistic practice aiming to produce an artwork, into an activity undertaken mainly as an exercise, an activity, could be seen as a strand in the general trend in contemporary art since the 1960s and accentuated in this century towards valuing the 'working' of art above the work of art as an object. This trend can also be related to research and linked to the preference for various terms like practice as research, performance as research, creative arts research or, indeed, artistic research. - This exposition combines a description of the actual practice, with an encounter with the material generated through that practice and proposes that these works can exemplify artistic research as a speculative practice.
Meetings with Remarkable and Unremarkable Trees
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Annette Arlander
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition serves as an archive for the project "Meetings with Remarkable and Unremarkable Trees", where Annette Arlander spends time with specific trees and poses for camera together with them. The exposition is under construction
Material for Gifts from the Sentient Forest
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Annette Arlander
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This page is under construction
It contains material created for and in the context of the research project Gifts from the Sentient Forest at the University of Lapland. See
Performing with Plants - Att uppträda/ samarbeta med växter
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Annette Arlander
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition documents and archives the artistic research project performing with plants.
Denna exposition dokumenterar och arkiverar det konstnärliga forskningsprojektet att uppträda/samarbeta med växter.
The Art of Befriending a Tree
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): RUUKKU Voices: Britta Olsson
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
A portfolio documentation of a score based laboratory project focusing on human encounters with trees. The part of the project presented here was performed within the frame work of a master programme and a free standing course at Stockholm University of the Arts: Stockholm College of Dramatic Arts / Stockholm College of Dance and Circus.
(last edited: 2017)
author(s): Annette Arlander
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition is presenting (and archiving) a work in progress consisting of site-specific sound installations or audio plays created for particular trees. The work is inspired by the ancient Celtic beth-luis-nion tree alphabet.