research interests: performance, Technology Innovation, multimedia, transdiciplinarity, Science and Art collaborations, performativity, community, userinvolvment, User Experience
ongoing projects:
1) MEMENTO MORI: a randomized CAT evalutaion of creative outputs in a didactic environment, assisted by semantic metrics provided by the °'°Kobi system
The EU4ART Alliance was created by four art academies in Dresden, Rome, Budapest and Riga. The Alliance is convinced that there is a great need for further strengthening the perspectives of fine arts as a culturally, socially and scientifically engaged approach towards a transdisciplinary discourse on society, sciences and humanities, and knowledge and thinking in general. The EU-funded EU4ART_differences project will work to raise each partner’s research profile and promote a high-level culture of artistic research in developing new programmes for postgraduate students and artistic researchers. It is guided by two pillars: knowledge transfer, and building artistic research units and graduate schools that will become part of the shared doctoral and postgraduate research community.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101016460.