What is a narrative, when it moves through time and history, when it moves through bodies? The narrative is always in danger of dying, until it is picked up and given new movement into new contexts. Where does the new begin? Where does the old one go? Vocalist Live Maria Roggen and pianist Ingfrid Breie Nyhus have over several years investigated duo music that was once romantic music. Through time, body, forgetfulness, fallibility – and improvisation as a method – the music has merged with the whims, derailments and backtracks of the inner sound and the duo's body. Where does the narrative live in the next moment?
TRADITIONING, DISSOLVING: What does 'traditioning' mean, what can the 'traditioned' become? On exploring rules and possible spaces in tradition and creation.
To Ingfrid Breie Nyhus, the apparently impossible combination of folk music and grand piano, is a creatively generative musical situation. The rules of the 'slått' tradition are transposed to a new space in the grand piano, and the rules of the grand piano are destabilized in the meeting with the 'slått'. This exposition unfolds questions, reflections and new questions, from a longer process with the music "Slåttepiano".
(un)Romantic / Improvising Interpretation" has been an artistic research project 2021-2024 led by Live Maria Roggen (vocalist/composer, professor of vocal improvisation) and Ingfrid Breie Nyhus (pianist/composer, associate professor of contemporary performance) at the Norwegian Academy of Music, funded by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme.
"A Play with Traditions - interpreting and performing between folk and pianism" is an artistic research doctorate project by pianist Ingfrid Breie Nyhus, at the Norwegian Programme of Artistic Research & the Norwegian Academy of Music 2011-2016.
Ingfrid Breie Nyhus is a performer within classical and contemporary interpretation and folk musical tradition. In this project, she explored musical possibilities in the tension field between art music's and folk music's performance traditions. She investigated similarities and differences in the traditions, and let them intertwine in her piano playing. This exposition is the reflection of the project, on artistic processes, contexts and considerations.
«Tradisjoner på spill, fortolkning og utøving mellom slåtter og pianisme», er et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid gjort av pianist Ingfrid Breie Nyhus. Hun er en utøver som står mellom to utøvertradisjoner; klassisk fortolkning og norsk folkemusikktradering. I dette stipendiatprosjektet har hun undersøkt musikalske muligheter i spenningsfeltet mellom kunstmusikk og folkemusikk, sett på likheter og ulikheter ved tradisjonene, og latt dem flettes sammen i sitt spill. Tilsvarende har hun undersøkt musikalske muligheter i dette spenningsfeltet, i samarbeid med et utvalg samtidskomponister om nye klaververker inspirert av norsk folkemusikk.
'A Play with Traditions' / 'Tradisjoner på spill' has been an artistic research project by pianist Ingfrid Breie Nyhus. This exposition shows an overview of the musical outcome of the fellowship. The reflection text is presented in another exposition in RC, called 'Tradisjoner på spill': https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/385124/385125.