Elisabeth Schäfer is a philosopher in the field of deconstruction, queer-feminist philosophy, psychoanalytic theory, body, violence, trauma, écriture feminine, writing as artistic research/resistant practice, as well as artistic positions on climate change. Schäfer is Postdoc at the Department for Psychotherapie Studies at the Sigmund Freud Private University Linz with a qualification agreement (habilitation).
Schäfer teaches et al. at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna, the Department of Gender Studies of the University of Vienna, the University of Applied Arts Vienna – Language Arts. From 2020-2023 she* has been Postdoc in an FWF project on the critical reappraisal of the Mühl-Commune at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She* is co-editor of the first German translation of Hélène Cixous’ Le Rire de la Méduse (Passagen 2013), author of numerous articles.
Website: https://elisabethschaefer.com