Solveig Wiig

An exploration of line and characters in feminist universes of discourse / En utforskning av linje og karakterer i feministiske univers

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Art and Media Studies / Volda University College 

During the period of four years of artistic research I will utilize my background as an illustrator and animator. In addition to my artistic practice, I also have a background as an art and film theorist that will contribute to my reflection regarding the methods and processes in artistic research. The project will involve both preparing a third comic book within an established feminist comic book universe, called "Fragments" as well as developing one of these stories into an animated short film. The comic will be printed in a risograph technique as a book of roughly 32 pages, and the film has an intended scope of 7 minutes. / I dette kunstneriske utviklingsarbeidet vil jeg utnytte min tredelte bakgrunn som illustratør, animasjonsfilmskaper, og kunst- og filmteoretiker. Prosjektet vil innebære å både utarbeide en tredje tegneseriebok innenfor et etablert feministisk serieunivers, kalt «Bruddstykker», og dessuten: å videreutvikle en av historiene i denne del 3 av tegneseriebøkene til en animert kortfilm. Tegneserien vil ha et omfang på 32 sider, og filmen har et tiltenkt omfang på 7 minutter.


Solveig Wiig: Animator, illustrator and teacher with wide-ranging education and experience. Artist within the fields of comic books and film who has received Artist Grants from The Norwegian Fund for Illustration, Grafill, and The Arts Council Norway. The graphic novel Fragments No.1 was nominated for the Award Visuelt 2017 under the category illustration. Experience includes freelance work as an illustrator and designer for publishers, magazines, record companies, and film industry. Publications within promotional work, children’s books, editorial illustration, graphic-and web design. 

