Hege Tapio


OsloMet, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD)

The artistic research project METABOLOME is connected with the FeLT - Futures of Living Technologies project at OsloMet. The FeLT project has opened up for a transdisciplinary artistic research project aimed at future sustainable development, exploring the edges on the intersections between machines and the living. As our existence is constantly being enhanced by technology, this is affecting how we think, feel and act. In a time where we adapt to artificial intelligence, virtual avatars and personal assistance in the form of robots infiltrating our lives - how may we imagine a future where our emotional needs are being met? Will technology alter our ability to care? Or might it aid us in enhancing or better connect with our emotions? These are some of the questions that have been lingering in my research.




Hege Tapio is an artist and curator based in Stavanger - Norway, currently pursuing artistic research as Phd fellow at FeLT - Futures of Living Technologies at OsloMet. Her interest in emerging media interconnecting art, new technology and science, led to the foundation of i/o/lab – Center for Future Art since 2001, where she established and curated Article biennial – a festival for the electronic and unstable art. Tapio is involved as curator in the research project Caring futures: (QUALITECH) at the University of Stavanger, part of the team of NOBA – Norwegian Bioart Arena, located at Vitenparken by Campus Ås, Norway, and Associate artist in the Metabolic Arts Gathering series of Copenhagen Medical Museion.



Artistic Research Forum

The presentation will be a mix of performative and traditional presentation. The scope is to raise interest (hopefully also provoke some thoughts and questions) - give insight to the research and how it is relating to contemporary issues within emotion technology, synthetic biology and to how this has been feeding into the artistic practice of speculative design.