Martinus Suijkerbuijk

Turing Gaia: Entering Thermodome

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim Academy of Fine Art

Turing Gaia: Entering Thermodome is an artistic research project combining technology, art, and virtual ecology to explore the effects of climate change. At its heart is the Markov-NPC, an AI-driven character navigating a heat-dominated digital ecosystem. This dynamic environment changes in response to varying temperatures, offering insights into survival strategies under climatic shifts. Enhanced by a vibrant spectrum of colors and an AI-generated soundscape, the project creates an immersive world. It not only reflects our current environmental challenges but also encourages contemplation on future scenarios, making it a significant exploration into thermofuturism and the resilience of life.

Martinus Suijkerbuijks diverse background forms the blueprint of his artistic practice. He holds a degree in Automation Engineering and Industrial Design. In 2017 he graduated from the International MFA program at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Arts where he’s also currently a PhD candidate. His work is best understood as an experimental practice that connects, translates and operates across the borders of different media, artistic genres and disciplines. Within his practice he explores the fringes of art, technology and philosophy through the potential of alliances and collaborations. His technical background has enabled him to work across industries. He has been invited to present his research and work at art institutions (ZKM, Sónar+D Barcelona, MetaMorf 2020) as well as technology conferences (CHI 2018, Philips Trend Event). Presently his artistic research centers around the possibilities of Artificial Aesthetic Agents through AI technologies and gaming engines.

