Simon Jon Andreasen


Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, The Game School

Keywords: Transartistic storyworlds.

Simon Jon Andreasen (1967) has made it his mission to share knowledge about storyworld creation from his vast experience directing and creating stories across multiple media for major media networks and publishers around the world. In the last seven years Simon has been heading the Animation Directors education at the National Filmschool of Denmark and the Danish game academy Dadiu. During experimental workshops Simon has developed a brand new practical model (the STAR MODEL) which can  be used for creating new original storyworlds and expand existing storyworlds for and across media and artistic experiences.




Artistic Research Spring Forum 2024

1st presentation

When you make your art, how do you create your universe? What are the settings, the objects, the characters, the themes, the time, the sounds, the music, the colours? And how do you work with your universe in your art? In the Storyworld Adaptation Game I am investigating how I can use worldbuilding and storyworld thinking across artforms. In the project I am creating a trans artistic world called CITIZEN STREET - a fictional storyworld that is inspired from multiple artforms such as litterature, film, comics, games, photography and more. The aim is to create a storyworld that you as artists will find inspiring and open it for everyone to use in your works. But how do I do that. You probably have some of the answers and I am looking very much forward to share my research and my “star” method at the springforum and see how this resonates across artforms?