discard this disposition (but not the steps from there)

A Proposal: Simultaneous Arrivals

Perhaps it is time to "reset" the process for a next iteration of a disposition. Even though we could not agree yet on it, I think there are some elements which came up again and again, and thereby gained a tentative stability; among them I guess is 'rewriting', which I see now has performed a re-entry in the research process itself (see sketch to the right). I would like to think about the figure of "parallel writing" or "simultaneous writing". Perhaps the term "segmentary" is more obtrusive than helpful now. I guess what was important about it for me was the "without hierarchy, next to each other, but also like-minded or equal-in-difference", part of a whole that is not the sum of the parts.

I want to bring in a quote from Sara Ahmed that has occupied me for a while:

«At least two entities have to arrive to create an encounter, a “bringing forth” in the sense of an occupation ... To “co-incide” suggests how different things happen at the same moment, a happening that bring things near to other things, whereby the nearness shapes the shape of each thing. Simultaneous arrivals ... are determined, at least in a certain way, as a determination that might determine what gets near, even if it does not decide what happens once we are near. If being near to this or that object is not a matter of chance, what happens in the “now” of this nearness remains open, in the sense that we don’t always know things affect each other, or how we will be affected by things ...» (S. Ahmed 2006¸ Queer Phenomenology, p. 39)


{keywords: [rewriting, disposition, parallel, simultaneous, segments, arrival]}

An early thought was that we explore the surplus or excess of algorithmic agency, manifesting itself as an indviduation and differentiation in the process of experimentation and implementation, by departing from the same initial configuration or "(basic) algorithm". This is illustrated in the sketch to the left; so we depart from the same disposition, and come to four somehow "aligned" / "coherent" / "similar" but individual systems or machines, which then begin to grow and refine the compositional process, and there is an element of horizontal communication that ensures that a level of coherence is maintained throughout.


{function: contextual}



Perhaps the first disposition was simply the catalyser to get the process started. Let the new disposition be, to engage in simultaneous arrivals, that eventually constitute the "site" of our work.


{function: comment, keywords: [rewriting, disposition, parallel, simultaneous, segments, simultaneous, arrival]}

all of these notes that make up a new proposal exist in parallel

for instance, settle on three to six questions. there is restriction on the formulation and length of a question.

{kind: note}

Not a cadavre exquis, a dead body, but a living organism, imperfect and imprecise. Reversal; do not begin the work with its result, a particular algorithmic-technical proposal; begin with the conceptual / material parallel work.

Parallel steps: Formulate a number of questions that seem important to you. Hand these questions to the custody of the other three artists, and receive three sets of questions from the other artists. Use them as questions guiding your conceptual and/or material work. Let the others see/hear how these questions develop. Let this be an open-ended process with the prospect to another iteration in which we connect the process again. Embrace the simultaneous work, each at their own rhythm, but forming a common site (an interlocking rhythm).

{function: proposal,  keywords: [parallel, open process, questions, reformulation, simultaneous arrivals]}


from the questions you receive, incorporate at least one from each set into your work process.

{kind: note}

meta: true
author: HHR
artwork: ThroughSegments
project: AlgorithmicSegments

function: proposal
keywords: [simultaneous arrivals, parallel, simultaneous, disposition, workflow, rewriting, questions, proposal]

{jyk, 191201}


  • Here again I am trying to understand the importance of 'coherent/similar/aligned.' 
  • I had found it hard to understand the meaning and practice of the simultaneous writing until I discover the parallel steps! :I think they are quite inviting, more open to each individual's direction/interpretation to the questions given.


{author: JYK, function: comment, keywords: [simultaneity, parallel, questions]}

thirty segment readings


                                                friendships are usually segmental in this sense, one does all his life and interests with any on
                                                                 we are segmented in a circular fashion, in ever larger circles, ever wider disk
                                  consequently, the recursive nature of segment development can be captured by the following cell division syste
                                                        hich  there are segments that have no boundary, will give rise to more  segments than  it  has
rn up both of them with fire! how longwilt thou be partitioned by these segments as a reed?"[5] the belief that what is ultimately real must be
     in archaic times society was differentiated into equal subsystems (segmentation), e.
                                         suddenly, several simultaneous segmentation criteria may be established.
                                              note that the arrows link segments of different types (the segment qualifier is omitted).
                                                           the decaying segment.
                                                                   some segments come and go just as they can be identified, and others hang aro
                        13  can be thresholded at 0.5 to yield a binary segmentation.
                    very interesting theoretical problems arises around segmentation, intended as the process by which a piece is segmented, but
         numbers inside each quadrant indicate the number of trajectory segments crossing it.                                                          
dily consulted as a reassuring touchstone for the assessment of messier segments of one s life.
ions can then be edited by adding/deleting boundaries until the desired segmentation is reached.
                                                        e salient human segments.
                                                   however, with clever segmentation, and possible offline data clustering, it might be possible
                                            intersecting the horizontal segment.
, we are parties of an agreement to do so, not because nature itself is segmented in exactly that way for all to see (whorf, 1 952, p.
nes  <ppm : phyla of machinic propositions  8  striation of existential segmentarities  (modular)  pst : energetic-spatial-temporal flows  figur
                                                         the loss of a  segment of limb implies not only the loss of the purely passive  generat
                                                                   this segmentation allows for more manageable brainstorming sessions.
                                                     each event in this segment begin.
read the whole book would take two years, so it is usually presented in segments.
                (6)  repeat the above procedures for each of the n = 12 segments .
                           front and middle legs are divided into three segments.
                                                        instead of line segments, we randomly insert monotone chains.
                              1. calculate the orientation of each line segment using the minimal mean squared error.
                                                                        segments in left or right satisfying the merging condition.
                                                 egment, so the  worst  segment is marked as  tabu .

We need to be careful about the process, as it can tend to be dominated by the territoriality of me and David (which also comes from the fact that we "run" ALMAT); that something remains "invalid" as long as it does not carry their respective handwriting (as overwriting). How to distance ourselves from ourselves? Territoriality can "work", as it did in Imperfect Reconstruction, even under tension. To comment (to notate next to somebody else's notes) is a form of being careful - I hope; especially if the meta-system is re-writing. Careful also is balance, and we need to encourage all four voices to be heard.


{kind: note}