how to hang speakers in the staircase

We will install a metal structure in the interstitial space (~6 cm) between the staircase and the wooden panel. The advantage is that cables will be hidden inside and not to visitors. We might use the brackets that are already supporting the wooden panel to also support our metal structure to mount the speakers.

{function: contextual, group: bracket}

In the staircase a wood panel of ca. 10 cm thickness separates consecutive flights of stairs. Hand rails are also mounted all along this panel.

{function: contextual, group: bracket}


When we visited the Kunsthaus in winter, one of the first questions was how to mount speakers along the staircase. The loudspekers we use are relatively small and light, but they shall be mounted on a stable structure and cables should be hidden or protected somehow. 

{function: contextual}

At each floor, three brackets connect the panel to the stairs

meta: true
author: poz
date: 200504
artwork: ThroughSegments
project: AlgorithmicSegments
place: Kunsthaus

keywords: [sketch, support, structure, metal, speakers, hanging system, CAD, project, design]