{hhr 200605}

I'm just returning to my sound patch, having interrupted the work for five weeks; remembering what its state was, how the different routines were invoked etc. So I will go back a bit to this work, making it again elastic, before starting my observational notations

HHR: Observations Round 3


{hhr 200612}

Today, I think that interrupting the process for this long time was perhaps problematic for its flow. While I'm now returning to the patches, I feel something of the inertia was lost and has to be build up again. On the other hand, it gave me some distance which I don't dislike. I am somehow at this point, a common point in most works, where I think even though not all avenues have been explored and not all ideas have been implemented, somehow the fundamental structure is there, and it will probably not change until the piece is finished. It's like a 75% done point or so, where I can see which parts are missing, need polishing and parametrisation, but I no longer wish to substantially change the sound composition. So I am still stuck with implementing the cascaded resampling layer in terms of its automatic rendering and updating. And I do think there should be a fourth layer – this might be one that more closely returns to a reflection of what the others did. But apart from that, I think the form is already there. The big remaining question for me is thus the Common Listening (temporal bridging) and Independent Activity Budget, both of which have not been fully implemented yet.


It's also acknowledging that other works have to be addressed now. I think that given the plan to meet in 3 1/2 weeks in Graz, the number of loose ends is manageable in this time, so that in Mid-July it can be really about observing how the four systems sound together.

meta: true
title: HHR: Observations Round 3
author: HHR
artwork: ThroughSegments
project: AlgorithmicSegments

kind: conversation