Shamisen som kompositorisk ankerpunkt
author(s): Olav Hanem
published in: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
Denne oppgaven utgjør en del et mitt kunstneriske utviklingsarbeid og fokuseres mot min rolle som komponist, der mine egne originale verk er objektet for utforskning. Hovedformålet med oppgaven er å undersøke innvirkningen japansk tradisjonsmusikk kan ha på min signatur som komponist. For å avgrense oppgaven ytterligere er det japanske musikkinstrumentet shamisen i fokus.
This is not / Dette er ikke
author(s): Anne Marthe Dyvi
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
The language of art is often poetic and abstract.
Reduced and lawless in terms of grammar. I experience the poetic and abstract language as closer to the experienced world than the more concrete and descriptive language that is the norm in the majority of formulations in society. In my artistic practice at the moment, I work with color, movement and time. In the video medium. To say that art is a language is also an assertion, or a worn metaphor. We have no written language rules we agree upon in the arts, no defined alphabet. And maybe that's exactly what the making of art is? Creating form, while challenging form? Being the practitioner, and in that sense defining, in a landscape of concrete and abstract, in definite and indefinite and fluid and solid.
To create while shaping the form of it, is something else than performing within a given formation.
This contribution to a digital catalogue for artistic research are selections of my work, and thoughts, related to it translated into pieces of texts.
Some pieces of text along with some video pieces as well as a print from a video, a so-called 'still'. They are selected to function in different constellations, and for several reasons. A collage as a method and a way to relate to my own work, and with the selection, emphasizes the content of the texts. I apply my own thesis discussed in the text upon my contribution 'here' *. My contribution appears in Vis – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research. The digital is representation. It is not. It is equally important to me that this contributed in form acknowledges that making a presence in an internet-based database is not without hyperlinks. It appears because the other is.
* Where is 'here', what is 'here'?
(Video and video with sound.)
The visual material in this exposition is from the videos 'La ditt liv vitne'(2017), 'Essay on Colour'(2017) and Perceptual Cycle (2016). By Anne Marthe Dyvi.
Makend onderzoek naar Verantwoordelijkheid
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Monique van Meel
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Ik onderzoek vanuit makerschap het thema verantwoordelijkheid in het jeugdhulplandschap.
Analyse en Reflectie, Cartografie Modeonderwijs
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Deniz Fehmi Demirezen-Smit
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Mijn gecreëerde cartografie toont het spanningsveld in het modeonderwijs, waarbij ik een voorbeeld uit mijn eigen kunsteducatieve praktijk heb gebruikt als basis. Het spanningsveld dat ik in kaart breng, richt zich op de tegenstelling tussen de harde en zachte benaderingen van het modeonderwijs.
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Florian Tanzer, Andrea Sodomka, Doris Ingrisch
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Unschärfe verweist auf Dimensionen, die uns Welt anders wahrnehmen lassen – in der Kunst, in der Quantentheorie und in den Gender Studies.