Orlando Vieira Francisco

Belgium, Brazil, Portugal (residence), Brazil, Portugal (citizenship) °1986
research interests: Climate Change, social movements, Infrastructural critique, institutional critique
affiliation: i2ADS — Research Institute in Art, Design and Society

Orlando Vieira Francisco is a visual artist and integrated researcher at the Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS). He graduated from civil engineering and MA degree in Art and Design for the Public Space on political expressions of multitudes in public space. In 2018 he earned his PhD in Art and Design at FBAUP. He investigated how authoritarian policies are present in urban infrastructure, symbolic monumentalities, and institutional structures. He is co-editor of HUB — Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society and he is taking part in the Municipal Ateliers program organized by the Porto City Council. He works within the themes of the production of social space between art and politics, the landscape as a place of constant change, and practices of environmental and social activism.


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