The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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EcoSomatics Conversation Series: environmental awareness through embodiment (2025) Polly Hudson
The EcoSomatics Conversations Series invites sharing of engagement, practices and thinking around environmental awareness through embodiment activities, dance and art. It posits a definition of EcoSomatics as of the body-mind-ecology and takes the form of open public dialogues between two (or more) people: independent artists, practitioners, and academics.
open exposition
Project D - Public Space | Equilibrium at De Zandwacht (2025) Marjolijn Breuring
This project explores the transformative relationship between the human body, its emotional landscape, and the environment through site-specific choreography. The concept centers around the theme of releasing ingrained patterns and embracing vulnerability, inspired by the metaphor of "letting go" to find healthier ways of navigating discomfort and tension. Set against the striking backdrop of De Zandwacht, an architectural sculpture symbolizing transience and resilience, the choreography invited dancers to engage somatically with their surroundings. Through breathwork, weight shifts, and embodied improvisation, they responded to the structure, the landscape, and each other, creating movement that reflected themes of connection, resistance, and transformation. The goal of the project was to investigate how dance can serve as a bridge between inner struggles and external environments, fostering deeper awareness for performers and audiences alike. The outcomes included a layered, evocative performance that highlighted the interplay between natural and man-made worlds, leaving audiences with lasting impressions of human fragility and strength.
open exposition
Resonating Voices - Waves of Sound and Spirit in a Palestinian Musician's Quest for Identity and Freedom (2025) Shafeeq Alsadi
This thesis emerges as an exploration of the multifaceted nature of music, identity, and the enduring spirit of a people living through profound challenges. Based on autoethnographic reflection, it provides an introspective exploration of how sound becomes a vessel for presence, a mirror for resilience, and a space for transformation. Through music, this inquiry seeks not merely to articulate personal narratives but to connect them with the common pulse of a collective memory—a memory that is influenced by the persistent realities of displacement and the yearning for freedom that Palestinians, no matter where they are in the world, experience. At the heart of this research lie three case studies that illuminate the potential of music: Sonic Exile, where traditional Arabic modalities and experimental soundscapes dissolve into a single, resonating voice; Echoes from Bethlehem, an improvisational encounter with Palestinian Nay master Faris Ishaq that brings forth a meditative state of being wholly present in sound and spirit; and the work of the Amwaj Choir, where human voice rises above cultural and physical confines, embodying a living, enduring presence. The findings suggest that music is not a static act but a living practice—an unfolding dialogue between tradition and innovation, self and other, silence and sound. Improvisation, as a way of being, becomes a method of both reflection and resistance, enabling a deeper connection to the present moment while engaging with the complexity of the past. The research reveals music’s profound capacity to heal, to resist, and to imagine new pathways for freedom and belonging. Rather than offering definitive conclusions, this thesis extends invitations: to listen, to witness, and to remain open to the spaces where sound and silence meet, where identity and memory evolve, and where the human spirit, despite all, continues to create and endure.
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Principy dialogu (2025) Šárka Zahálková
Ve své disertační práci zkoumám jak praktické, tak teoretické aspekty veřejného prostoru jako sociální hmoty a roli umění jako aktivního prostředníka potenciálních pozitivních změn v něm. Namísto fyzické podoby uměleckých děl, soustředím se na dynamiku komunikace na různých úrovních, které se podílejí na kolektivním utváření těchto prostorů v širším kontextu okolního světa. Můj přístup je založen na ekofeministickém a neantropocentrickém chápání sdíleného prostoru dialogu a vychází z mé dlouholeté kurátorské, umělecké i aktivistické praxe. Principy akustické ekologie, vědomého naslouchání a chůze využívám jako nástroje pro zvyšování citlivosti vůči okolnímu prostředí. Z přírodních věd si půjčuji pojem ekoton, označující přechodovou zónu mezi různými společenstvy. Prostřednictvím této analogie reflektuji prostupnost komunit, odolnost, hierarchii, empatii a v neposlední řadě umělecké gesto rozprostřené v čase. Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, 2025 Ateliér: Intermédia 2 Školitelé: prof. Mgr. art. Dušan Zahoranský, doc. MgA. Pavla Sceranková Ph.D. Konzultantka: Mgr. art. Magda Stanová Ph.D. Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto práci vypracovala samostatně a uvedla všechny použité zdroje. Asistenti AI jako ChatGPT a DeepL byly použity pouze jako vyhledávací a překladatelské nástroje, nikoli pro vznik nového textu. ---ENG--- In my PhD research, I examine both the practical and theoretical aspects of public space as a social substance and the role of art as an active mediator of potential positive transformations within it. Rather than focusing on the physical form of artworks, I concentrate on the dynamics of communication at various levels involved in the collective formation of these spaces within the broader context of the surrounding world. My approach is grounded in an eco-feminist and non-anthropocentric understanding of shared dialogic space and is informed by my extensive curatorial, artistic, and activist practice. I employ principles of acoustic ecology, conscious listening, and walking as tools to enhance sensitivity to the surrounding environment. Borrowing the term ecotone from the natural sciences—where it describes the transitional zone between different communities—I use this concept to reflect on the permeability of communities, resilience, hierarchy, empathy, and, importantly, the artistic gesture unfolding over time. Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, 2025 Studio: Intermedia 2 Supervisors: prof. Mgr. art. Dušan Zahoranský, doc. MgA. Pavla Sceranková Ph.D. Consultant: Mgr. art. Magda Stanová Ph.D. I declare that I have prepared this work independently and have listed all sources used. AI assistants such as ChatGPT and DeepL were used only as search and translation tools, not for the creation of a new text.
open exposition
FTVS-podden / INNKU-konferansen 2024 (2025) Nina Frederikke Grünfeld
Velkommen til film, tv og spillskolenes podkast ved Universitetet i Innlandet. I denne podden møter du fagansatte, stipendiater og studenter ved landets ledende utdanningsinstitusjon innen spill og det audiovisuelle feltet, dvs. alle oss som jobber, underviser, forsker, virker og lærer ved Den norske filmskolen, TV-skolen og Spillskolen.  Denne podkast-eksposisjonen er en dokumentasjon av det som ble formidlet under INNKU-konferansen på Hamar 30. og 31. oktober 2024.
open exposition
Noen prosjekter i regi av forskningsgruppen "Artistic Research in Sound and Music" (2025) Trond Lossius, Mathieu Lacroix, Therese Næss Diesen, James Welburn, Carl Svensson, Gunn Tove Grønsberg
Dette er et vedlegg til en presentasjon under INNKU-festivalen (festival for Kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ved Høgskolen i Innlandet) 30.-31. oktober 2024. I denne eksposisjonen deler vi litt dokumentasjon fra noen av de prosjektene vi omtaler i en samltale mellom medlemmer i forskergruppen.
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