The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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EL PROJECT (2024) Nhi Phuong Do
The EL PROJECT is created in urgency for Nhi Phuong Do to Express, and Lead much more.
open exposition
My Master Documentation (2024) Giuseppe Pisano
The summary of the documentation for my final master evaluation.
open exposition
Can Philosophy Exist? (2024) Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
Photography with sound and net art, drawing, found folk sculpture with digital drawing, readymades, 2012, 2020, 2021. Accompanied by archival material. The exposition exposes the question of what is artistic research. Usurping the essayist format, which is traditionally associated with research in say the area of philosophy, the exposition formally operates on different levels. I selectively included visual art research material from my own artistic archive, as well as anonymous material that's readily available from the internet and in film archives. In this way, I wanted to emphasise the role of archiving and using archives in the artistic process, as an element of artistic research and artistic production that might involve remediation. Taking that we live in a largely theoretic culture, which means that we use external information systems for storage and retrieval of written, visual and other material, the implication is that art is part of this theoretical system. Moreover, I specifically problematise the notion of value in relation to the visual arts by using the popular media figures of the counterfeit and the impostor. I suggest that some artworks operate as philosophical provocations of the archive. "The artwork just exists", as Frank Stella argued.
open exposition

recent publications <>

And _ Blinkbonny Avenue and strangeness of everyday life (2024) Niina Marjatta Turtola
This is a research project into building an artist book that uses typographic devices and page layout in construction a multilayered narrative. Everyday life and actual events are part of of the narrative backbone and this is mostly photographic material. Another layer consists on dialogues (verbal, email, etc) between 2015- and ongoing between the two researchers involved in the project. This is language-based written material. Third layer is the thematic context in building the actual book which happens in the academic presentations, performances and knowledge disseminations.
open exposition
The poetics of autopoiesis: visual arts, autonomy and artificial intelligence. (2024) bruno caldas
This exposition contains the manuscript and artistic components of the doctoral research project "The poetics of autopoiesis: visual arts, autonomy and artificial intelligence." The project aimed to explore the limits of creative autonomy in face of recent developments in generative visual artificial intelligence.
open exposition
RÅDJUREN, FLICKORNA, eller PLAY & FAIL (2024) Anna Nygren
My research is a failed writer's failed attempt to become a literary scholar. I'm researching from the position of an amoeba in academia – at certain moments I claim to be a Trojan Horse, a Trixster, or something else subversive. But more often than not it just ends up being: failure. I write from a writing-reading position. Where my reading of literature is infiltrated by my writing practice. This exposition is based on my failed dissertation in literature, which I am now trying to recover in the form of an artistic research project. The literary dissertation is about Monika Fagerholm's novel "Who killed Bambi?" (2019), and my failure is the inability to be scientific and detached, to stay within the framework. In the exposition I examine this from a queer/lesbian and neuroqueer/autistic perspective. I start from an emotional (un)knowledge and try to distort ideas and boundaries between failure and play.
open exposition

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