author(s): Patrickretschek
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
Skolbrandsarkeologi (“School Fire Archaeology”) is an artistic excavation (2022–2026) of Slättgårdsskolan in Skärholmen, Stockholm, led by artist Patrick Kretschek. The art project uses contemporary archaeology, participatory art, and documentary methods to explore the aftermath of the June 1, 2020, school fire. It combines text, photography, film, and artifacts to narrate the event through testimonies from students, teachers, parents, and the public. Exhibited locally at culture house FOLK in Skärholmen, it offers a space for reflection on loss, memory, and reconstruction.
Taming Amorphalia
author(s): Eszter Mag
published in: VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
Taming Amorphalia is an experimental documentation of the intuitive processes behind/during the development of ProjectMorpheo – a Master’s Project at SKH. The research aims to further discover the fragile connections between dreams and the materials that surround us. Since ProjectMorpheo is a participatory event, Taming Amorphalia attempts to communicate the background of the research in a dialog-like, interactive way by using the form of a text based role play game.
FACT stage one
author(s): Jenny Sunesson
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
The research project FACT stage one aims to test the sonic capacity of fragmenturgy (developed by Sunesson 2014–19) as a method to unsettle polarised positions of areas and sites existing outside of the visual power structures and political strongholds.
The long-term purpose is to develop a Fragmenturgy ACtion Tool (FACT); a transitory toolbox for cultivating fragmenturgy methods and actions.
FACT stage one consists of a comprehensive case study carried out in collaboration with a group of students aged 18–23 based at Uppsala Community College in Sweden, which was explored as a site during 2021.
Image copyright: Christina Hillheim
IRTIKYTKETYISSÄ TILOISSA – poissaolevan kosketuksia katveessa
author(s): Jaakko Ruuska
published in: University of the Arts Helsinki
Jaakko Ruuska:
Kuvataiteen tohtorin opinnäyte
Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia, 2024
© Taideyliopisto ja kirjoittaja
ISBN 978-952-353-447-6
IRTIKYTKETYISSÄ TILOISSA – POISSAOLEVAN KOSKETUKSIA KATVEESSA muodostuu kolmesta taiteellisesta tutkimuksesta. Niissä tutkin kuljeskeluun perustuvien kokeellisten tutkimusmenetelmien avulla sitä, miten tilan kokemuksellisuuteen vaikuttaa sen taustalla olleen järjestyksen hajoaminen.
DISCONNECTED SPACE – CONTACTS WITH THE ABSENT IN THE BLIND SPOT is a doctoral thesis in Fine Arts, written in Finnish. The thesis is about the experiential phenomenon of space, which could be referred to as an off-connection in English. The thesis consists of three essays. The introduction in English is also included in the first page of the Thesis.
I FRIKOPPLADE RUM – DET FRÅNVARANDES BERÖRING I SKUGGAN Temat för det finskspråkiga lärdomsprov för doktorsexamen i bildkonst är en upplevelse av rumsliga fenomen, som på svenska kunde kallas frikoppling. Avhandlingen omfattar tre studier som observerar hur det det frånvarande och frånvaron ingår i en förnimbar upplevelse.Inledning på svenska finns också på uppsatsens första sida.
Designing Games as 'Hands on Research Tools' for Foro No.2 Nodos Activos: 2023
author(s): Yamil Hasbun Chavarría, Pamela Jiménez Jiménez
published in: Research Catalogue
This exposition recounts the design process behind the creation of a series of games implemented in the second forum of the Active Nodes project (Foro No.2 Nodos Activos), and the experiences obtained during the days in which the the Nodos Team carried out the activities in which the current research activities where materialized as games throughout the various installations of the Artistic Research, Teaching and Extension Center (CIDEA) and its surroundings where the four schools of art and design of the University Nacional, Costa Rica (UNA) converge:
The School of Art and Visual Communication (EACV), Performing Arts (EAE), School of Dance and Music school.
Since the general theme of this Second Nodos Activos forum was ‘Artistic Research through Play’, the participatory research tools developed here actually took the form of a games. Games created to have fun, create expectations, create curiosity, create empathy and friendships and create new artistic constructions through innovative research hands-on processes.
Aside from the researchers in charge of the Nodos Activos project, the creative team in charge of the development, design and ‘put to practice’ work implicit in all these research tools/games included EACV students Karolay Mendoza Castrillo, Marian Casanova Guzmán, Iván Sibaja Segura, and Nicole Barboza Alvarez; and EAE student Adrian Campos Chaves.
The present exhibition recounts the process of game design, while a second exhibition present in this catalog (Titled FORO NO.2 NODOS ACTIVOS, 2023: Artistic Research Through Playing. recounts the experience of the process of playing the game itself.
quiet citadel
author(s): Ryan Evans
published in: Research Catalogue
'quiet citadel' is a site-specific, participatory music project that examines music-making and the purposes that music can serve. I made 'quiet citadel' as part of the Hinge Arts Residency with Springboard for the Arts. They describe the fellowship as a community development program that activates arts programming related to the historic Fergus Falls State Hospital, or "the Kirkbride."
Presented in four sections, this exposition offers a case study of how I instrumentalized my music-making and music-sharing to assist the residents of Fergus Falls, a small town in rural Minnesota, in determining what to do with the disused Fergus Falls State Hospital, or "the Kirkbride." All told, this exposition provides an example of using music as a research method for the purposes of collectively imagining the future of a community asset.
Dear _____, Please Imagine my Birthday
author(s): Harold Hejazi
published in: University of the Arts Helsinki
How much of our sense of identity is filtered through social memory—the memory of others and our own? This is a reflection on a performative birthday which attempted to transplant the artist’s community from Victoria, Canada to Helsinki, Finland. Through the medium of larp, the performance explored the ways in which the self is socially produced and sustained through interaction, memory and community. In so doing, the larp offered a self-portrait in which the story of a self was produced collectively.
Performative Well-Being: Conditions of Sharing
author(s): Alexander Komlosi
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
Since Ruukku 8 has asked us to consider “conditions of sharing”, it seems apt, and interesting, to start this exposition about the conditions of sharing of performative well-being through a dialogue with the conditions of sharing that the Ruukku 8 editors, Mika, Tero, and Leena, have offered us. Here we go!
Ant-ic Intra-Actions
author(s): Fiona MacDonald
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
Ant-ic Intra-Actions – an experiential exploration of artistic co-production with wood ants.
Facilitating Performer - Processing Vanity
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Bas van der Kruk
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This artistic research exposition is on interaction, participation and performance. It combines the building of an interactive process in which the audience becomes co-performer or participant. This process is guided by the facilitating performer. Together we (the audience and performer) explore the subject of vanity through this process.
Radically Tender Spaces
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Janne Schröder
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Young people practicing collective care as a performative strategy for the creation of alternative social imaginaries.
Veranderend kunstenaarschap : de rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Rina Visser
connected to: Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This research of Rina Visser is only available in Dutch.
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving is de afgelopen decennia sterk veranderd. Veel kunstenaars voelen zich maatschappelijk betrokken en zoeken naar aansluiting bij de samenleving. Participatieve kunstpraktijken zijn daarvan een goed voorbeeld. Bij deze kunstvorm werken kunstenaars samen met burgers in hun eigen leefomgeving. De kunstpraktijken zijn gericht op maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Burgers worden met inzet van verbeeldingskracht geactiveerd om te reflecteren op hun eigen situatie en zo tot een andere visie te komen. Het werkterrein van de participatieve kunstenaar wordt daarmee van atelier, theater of concertzaal naar de samenleving verplaatst. Participatieve kunstpraktijken zijn zowel sociaal-maatschappelijk als kunst gericht. Door deze nieuwe manier van werken komt de kunstwereld en de kunstenaar in een ander daglicht te staan. Om deze veranderingen nader te kunnen vaststellen, zijn vijf participatieve kunstpraktijken in de Randstad onderzocht. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat ook de artistieke identiteit van de kunstenaar van invloed is op de inhoud en vorm van de kunstpraktijk. Sommige kunstenaars zijn gericht op het kunstwerk als eindresultaat. Anderen vinden het sociale proces van de deelnemers belangrijker. Ook de invulling van de deelnemersparticipatie blijkt daarmee samen te hangen. Participatieve kunstenaars vervullen een nieuwe rol in de samenleving, namelijk die van netwerkkunstenaar.
New Artistic Possibilities with The Max Maestro - An Animated Music Notation System for Non-Professional Performers
(last edited: 2016)
author(s): Anders Lind
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The Max Maestro – an animated music notation system was developed by the author to enable the exploration of new artistic possibilities for composition and performance practices within the field of contemporary art music. More specifically, to enable groups/crowds of non-professional performers regardless of musical background to perform fixed music compositions written in multiple individual parts. Furthermore, The Max Maestro was developed to facilitate concert hall performances where non-professional performers could be synchronised and perform along with an electronic music part and/or a professional chamber/symphony orchestra. This exposition presents the background, the content and the artistic ideas and possibilities with The Max Maestro System and looks at three live concert hall performances where The Max Maestro was implemented. An artistic research approach with a qualitative methodology was adopted for the study. Empirical data from the three performances were analysed through the lens of the author as a composer. This exposition contributes with new knowledge to the field of animated music notation and how to facilitate performances including non-professional performers in a contemporary art music context.
The Body of the spectator-participant in a performance
(last edited: 2015)
author(s): Julius Elo
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Research questions:
What follows, when a performance is based on physical experience instead of watching? What if a performance, is not made for the sense of sight, but for the body of the spectator, bodily encounter, and physical contact?
What happens, when we move into the field of interactive and participatory performance, and the body of the spectator-participant becomes the scene? How does this affect the performance, performers, spectators, and art itself?
In my artistic research, I explore and create theoretical principles that clarify how this kind of a performance type works. My aim is to create a spectator-derived performance theory, where the basis is the bodily encounter and perception of the spectator-participant.
Research plan and methods of the study:
The study consists of three different artistic works. The main method is the planning, carrying out, reflecting and theoretical analysis of these artistic performances. Rehearsals form the basis for practice-based research. The performance event is an experiment, which on one hand, explores the material attained from the rehearsals, and on the other hand, rises question relevant for the study. Information, on these relevant issues and answers for the upcoming questions, can be attained only through practical work.
Artistic works:
1. The Realm of the Invisible – an interactive performance (2008) Kiasma (Kontti – exhibition room, 4 floor) and Hurjaruuth (theatre space, black box)
-Reality Research Center (Helsinki)
2. Dialogues – a participatory performance event (2009) Kiasma-theatre
- Julius Elo & Working Group
3. Circle (2013)
-Reality Research Center (Helsinki)