On Mother Tongues: fall 2022, B58, Stckhlm
author(s): Caterina Daniela Mora, andrea isabella diaz ghiretti, Stella Kruusamägi, Mariana De oliveira costa, Martin Sonderkamp, Robert Malmborg, yari stilo
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
Description [en]
Collaborative exposition with CC4r license in the frame of a workshop focus on monther tongues, performer skills, translations, translinguicism.
As a first proposal, caterina's invitation to the workshop stated this: "This proposal invites you as co-researcher to develop a workshop about mother tongues and translations. Aiming to reflect on the performer skills, from our mother tongues to trans-linguicism, the sessions will develop obfuscated story-telling to deal with questions around the untranslatable."
Documentation of the 'On Mother Tongues' workshop.
On Mother Tongues happened as a result of an invitation from caterina daniela mora jara to spend some hours in the same dance studio with Mariana Costa, Stella Kruusamägi, Andrea Diaz, Yari Stilo, Robert Malmborg and Martin Sonderkamp. The workshop took place the first week of the fall semester 2022, from 29th August to 3rd September (14h till 17h), and 1st October (11-16h) in the Department of Dance, located at Brinellvägen 58, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden.
EEE – Exercises in Existential Eccentricity: Movements, Artefacts, Transitions. By Barb Macek
author(s): Barbara Macek, Jonas Howden Sjøvaag
published in: SAR Conference 2020
Autoimmune diseases have become a global health problem, with rising numbers of people affected. But cause and genesis of these diseases are still unresolved, so finding new ways to understand the underlying processes is in demand.
Aiming at a new conception of autoimmunity I developed a technique titled “Exercises in Existential Eccentricity” (EEE) within the framework of autoethnography and the biophilosophy of Helmuth Plessner. The EEE were designed to investigate autoimmunity in a practical and daring way by exposing the researcher in her vulnerability as being affected by a chronic autoimmune disease.
The results are expected to expand our understanding of autoimmunity and provide new images to help people cope with autoimmune diseases.
Behind the back of Linnaeus - Bakom ryggen på Linné
author(s): Annette Arlander
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
This bilingual exposition presents parts of the artistic research project “Performing with Plants”, video works created through repeated visits to a sycamore in Humlegården and a beech in Djurgården during the year 2017, and discusses the notion ecology of practices introduced by Isabelle Stengers. The exposition consists of an essay, the video works, and some working notes from the process as an appendix.
Denna tvåspråkiga exposition presenterar delar av det konstnärliga forskningsprojektet ”Att uppträda med växter”, videoarbeten som skapats genom upprepade besök hos en tysklönn i Humlegården och en bok på Djurgården under år 2017, och diskuterar begreppet praktikernas ekologi som introducerats av Isabelle Stengers. Expositionen består av en essä, videoverken, och några arbetsanteckningar från processen som bilaga.
Aesthetics (presentation at CARPA6)
author(s): Hanna Järvinen
published in: Research Catalogue
This is the script and work shown at the 6th Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts in Helsinki 2019. The exposition is intended as an addendum to the forthcoming Conference Proceedings.
Cross cultural meetings: Traditional music from Setesdal and world musicians
author(s): Ingolv Haaland, Jeremy Welsh, Bjørn Ole Rasch
connected to: University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts
published in: Research Catalogue
The starting point for the project is a set of recordings by Norwegian folk-musicians of Norwegian folk-songs in the “stev og slåtte” (stave and tune) tradition of Setesdal in Agder. This source material was presented to musicians around the world in various studio sessions. The musicians did immediate responses after listening to a song, connecting to the music and establishing a dialogue. The purpose of this article is to document and provide insight into some of the processes in this artistic research project. The album FERD was released on Grappa Records 17.09.17 and a 70 minute film documentary will be released in 2018.
Dokumentasjon av kunstnerisk resultat og refleksjonshylla / Documentation of the artistic result and the reflection shelf
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Sigrid Espelien
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Denne siden inneholder fotodokumentasjon av kunstnerisk resultat i form av leirevandringer og utstilling på ROM for kunst og arkitektur samt den fysiske delen av refleksjonen på biblioteket på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Det er også lyddokumentasjon av to leirevandringer.
This page contains photo documentation of the artistic result, including clay wanderings, the exhibition at ROM for Art and Architecture, and the physical reflection shelf at the library of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts. There is also audio documentation of two clay wanderings.
RC Patterns
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Daniele Pozzi, Tero Heikkinen, Casper Schipper
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
An exposition that illustrates different usages of the Research Catalogue platform.
Den emotionellt hållbara filmprocessen
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Emilie Löfgren
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Hur skapar och utvecklar jag metoder för en filmprocess som värnar mitt eget och mina medarbetares mentala och känslomässiga välbefinnande när vi gör film om svåra frågor? Hur tar jag hand om mina medverkande? Hur ser min film ut som är sprungen ur en sådan arbetsprocess? Hur har arbetet med terapeuten Cilla Holm, tidigare filmproducent, bidragit till en hållbar filmprocess? Filmbranschen präglas av högt tempo och utmattningssyndrom är inte ovanligt. För fyra år sedan blev jag utmattad och efter att ha sörjt mitt gamla jag och min nya stresskänslighet kom jag fram till att jag inte tänker acceptera att jag inte ska kunna arbeta med det jag älskar, film och skrivande. Jag tänkte att det måste finnas andra sätt att arbeta med film och fortfarande få må bra.
En exposition om skapandet av min dokumentärfilm Om sorg (2022) och metoden som jag kallar för den emotionellt hållbara filmprocessen.
English abstract:
How do I create healthy working methods that benefit my own and my team members mental and emotional wellbeing while making film about difficult subjects? What does a documentary sprung out of these methods look like? How has the collaboration with Cilla Holm, film therapist and former film producer, contributed to make the process emotionally sustainable? The film industry is fast paced and burnout is not uncommon. Four years ago it happened to me and I had a total identity crisis. After grieving my old self, my ability to multi-task and my newfound stress intolerance, I came to the conclusion that I will not accept that I have to leave the film industry. I wanted to keep working, I just had to find another way to do it.
An exposition about the creation of my documentary About Grief (2022) and the method that I call The emotionally sustainable film process.
Individual Reflection, Evaluation and Documentation
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): silvanos
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Here is my critical analysis of two artistic products that I worked on during the first trimester. I will closely examine a 15-minute short film titled Debt, a group collaborative product that I was the director of, followed by a short film script Mother No Mother, which I developed from week 2 of the trimester as the writer. Last but not least, I'll discuss how I created the one-man film Rainchester using a 360-degree camera as part of the experimentation process
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Ilya Ziblat Shay
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Welcome to ARC_view, an online documentation project of the ARC (art_research_convergence) sessions. ARC is the platform of Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts and the University of the Arts The Hague for the active communication of artistic research. This exposition seeks not only to document the ARC sessions, but to create a virtual extension of the themes and content: lectures, book presentations, performances, and the different discourses developed by the participants of the events.
The blog is gradually updated after each ARC session. You can also learn about future events (read forthcoming session's abstracts).
Layering and Multileveledness in Performance Artwork Containing Documentation of Past Performances
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Marija Griniuk
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The phenomena within this research is performance artwork, containing performance documentation from the previous artist’s performances. The research outlines the necessity to lessen the gap between the live and documented performing body on the one side, and enhance the emotional and empathic connections with the viewers of the documentation within an artwork on the other side. The research task is to define the main key points of interconnectedness between layering within the performance artwork, containing performance documentation and empathic connections-building with the spectators of performance documentations integrated into the new performance. The research question is: How layering impacts multileveledness of perception of the performance artwork, containing documentation from previous performances?
The main concepts are documentation, layering, multileveledness and participatory performance. The main research results are: the cyclic aspect of layering; the gap between the live and documented body in performance can be narrowed by the involvement of biometric data as one of the layers in documentation; layering is connected to multilevelendess of access and emotional and empathic response to the content of documentation by the viewers. The research results can be used by performance artists, performance scholars and those involved in performance art education.
Tracing ghosts: documenting and conserving the performative
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): sian Hutchings, Samuel Barry
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Can an interpretation behave as a synergy of a performative act through its documentation and its conservation?
Performance as Research in Hyderabad - Proceedings of the Performance as Research Working Group meeting at the IFTR conference in Hyderabad 6-10th July 2015
(last edited: 2018)
author(s): Annette Arlander, Manola Gayatri Kumarswamy
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition consists of material presented at the Performance as Research Working Group meeting in Hyderabad as well as material documenting the work undertaken during the meeting. The meeting took place as part of the IFTR (international Federation for Theatre Research) conference "Theatre and Democracy" in Hyderabad, India 6th to 11th July 2015. These proceedings are compiled by Annette Arlander and Manola K. Gayatri on behalf of the working group.