The Art of Design: from philosphy to practice
author(s): Kathryn Jane Moore
published in: Research Catalogue
This exposition sets out evidence of the research undertaken over the last decade to understand the implications beyond the academy of the new paradigm presented in ‘Overlooking The Visual: Demystifying the Art of Design’ (2010), leading to
‘Towards New Research Methodologies in Design: Shifting Inquiry Away from the Unequivocal Towards the Ambiguous’ (2018). The exposition shows the process of developing ‘The Art of Design’ at a regional scale through a number of sequential case studies. Requiring investigative and analytical drawing from a position of knowledge and the reimagining and re-presenting of places in order to rekindle and reinvent the connection between communities and the space they inhabit, recognising the pride people take in that space, its cultural identity, be it urban, suburban or rural, is very much a modern, contemporary view of how our landscapes work.
The ideas expressed in the visual narratives have engaged a wide range of decision makers and are shifting perceptions, planning policy and practices at a local, national and international level. The student work exhibited in 2019 (BCU) explored the spatial implications of the ethos of the West Midlands National Park focused on specific locations and was vital in persuading key regional and national stakeholders of the significance of this new approach.
This predominantly visual exposition presents the transformative practice-based research process manifest as visual artefacts from philosophy to practice interrogating the art of design.
Sansehage Konsept 2
author(s): Marius Skaten Aarbakke, Ingunn Hatlehol Andreassen, Tyler Akselsen, Ida Emilie Viervoll, Ida Anemone Roland Berger
published in: Research Catalogue
Dette er vårt andre konsept til sansehagen, den handler om et akvarium.
***CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION*** reading as performance / reading as composition
author(s): Paul Norman
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
At the end of ‘Sentences on Conceptual Art’ (1969), Sol LeWitt states: “these sentences comment on art but are not art.” In the same work he also remarks, “If words are used and they proceed from ideas about art, then they are art and not literature, numbers are not mathematics,” thus creating a paradigm. Is writing or talking about artistic ideas art or not?
… Let’s say for now that it could be.
John Cage famously defined music as the “organisation of sound” perhaps though, reflecting on the origin of the word composition as coming from the Latin componere meaning to “put together”, the ‘organisation of things’, may be a more suitable definition. Not only sound, but all elements of a performance could or perhaps should be organised, put together or composed.
Consider the situation where your (yes, you the readers) organisational decisions matter. Maybe it’s as simple as ‘do I read the text or look at the given example first?’ These decisions matter, they effect what is communicated and when, what knowledge or assumptions are carried and for how long. These decisions are thus meaningful and potentially compositional in nature, establishing a new question. Is all reading compositional?…
…Let’s say for now that it could be.
Thirty Sixth Series of the Next Kind of Series
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Wim Kok
connected to: Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The subject of the research of Wim Kok is __difference and repetition,__ an area which bears a direct relationship to Wjm Kok__s practice, in which the production of work always emerges and passes through series. It is also the title of a book by Gilles Deleuze that has been used as source and reference to explicate the research. Taking this book Difference and Repetition as a departure point, an ongoing series of writings was produced that sought to expose the different angles of the subject. The majority of these texts were published in diverse platforms, constituting an exchange with related subjects and his practice as a foundation for exploring other territories. A selected collection of these texts constitutes the dissertation. The presentation of this research will take place during the defense in the Grand Auditorium of Leiden University.
Sanseskog med vinterhage "Vinters glede"
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Agne Lineviciute Langesæter, Dorthea Kant, Ida M. R. Gjeitsund, Janne Fagerli Isaksen, Marie Fosstveit
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dette er konsept 2/3 for utføring av en sanseskog for beboere i en omsorgsbolig.
Prosjekt Konsept: Plattformene "Call" og "Hobbyn"
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Gabrielle
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Korona-viruset har skapt helt nye forutsetninger som påvirker hverdagen til alle. Blant annet innebærer dette for mange at arbeidsplassen flytter seg fra et felles kontor, til hjemmekontor. For å forebygge mot nedsatt psykisk helse som kan for eksempel komme av ensomhet, og for å fortsette å opprettholde, og muligens forbedre arbeidsmiljøet ønskes det mulige løsninger til hvordan vi kan sikre et godt arbeidsmiljø, selv hjemmefra.
Golf uten hånd
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Sander Kolkinn
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Golf for hele familien: golfkølle med stomphåndtak. Denne golfkøllen er lagd for å kunne inkludere hele familien i en felles aktivitet, som ellers krever at man har to hender. Denne køllen kan brukes både til vanlig golf og mini-golf. Golfkøllen har et sil lignende håndtak på høyresiden av kølla, slik at man kan plassere stompen komfortabelt ned og får muligheten til å gi nok kraft til et godt slag.
Frivillighetsapp for sanseskog
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Agne Lineviciute Langesæter, Dorthea Kant, Ida M. R. Gjeitsund, Janne Fagerli Isaksen, Marie Fosstveit
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dette er et appkonsept som hører til 3 konsepter for utføring av en sanseskog for beboere i en omsorgsbolig.
Sanseskog med lysthus
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Agne Lineviciute Langesæter, Dorthea Kant, Ida M. R. Gjeitsund, Janne Fagerli Isaksen, Marie Fosstveit
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dette er konsept 3/3 for utføring av en sanseskog for beboere i en omsorgsbolig.
Sanseskog med båt
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Agne Lineviciute Langesæter, Dorthea Kant, Ida M. R. Gjeitsund, Janne Fagerli Isaksen, Marie Fosstveit
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dette er konsept 1/3 for utføring av en sanseskog for beboere i en omsorgsbolig.
Food Tablet
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Karoline Idsø Linder
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dette er en Tablet med innebygd vekt, der man kan registrere det man spiser ved scanning eller ved hjelp av bildefunksjon, for deretter å kunne bruke hjelpemidlet til å veie mengden man spiser.
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Alexander Lunderø
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dette er konsept 2 for oppgave fra oppdragsgiver.
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Hanna Hernæs
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Applikasjon for 4x4 treningsprogram
Trennungssongs of Togetherness
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Paul Norman
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
How do you make a piece about Europe without talking about Europe?
Separation: the action or state of moving or being moved apart.
Song: a set of words set to music or meant to be sung
Togetherness: the state of being close to another person or other people.
Paul Norman and Leander Ripchinsky, choose not to take separation, song or togetherness at face value, but through the act of game-playing gently coax something resembling meaning from its hiding place. As an audience we are asked to park our expectations, taking the chance to busy ourselves with rules and words and sounds and all kinds of decision-making.
How do you make a piece about Brexit without talking about Brexit?