Amanda Steggell



Mind, the Gap

Synaesthesia and contemporary live art practice 

Høgskolen i Østfold, Akademi for scenekunst

Østfold University College, Norwegian Theatre Academy

Disputas: 14 mars 2007

Laura Beloff
Carle Lange


Prof. Lei Cox (chair)

Dr. Sher Doruff

Prof. Erkki Huhtamo


‘Mind, the Gap’ is a practice-based arts research project dedicated to developing Live artworks that are inspired by the notion of synaesthesia - the cross wiring of sensory perceptions. The manifestation of this research is an experimental instrument with synthetic synaesthetic qualities - The Emotion Organ. The 3 year project is hosted by The Norwegian Theatre Academy, Østfold University College, Fredrikstad, Norway within the framework of the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowshop Programme.


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