Øystein Elle

Capto Musicae - Creating sonic and musical theatre in a contemporary artistic context


Høgskolen i Østfold, Akademi for scenekunst

Østfold University College, Norwegian Theatre Academy

Disputas: 18.11.2017


Veileder: Dr Karmenlara Ely Seidman som hovedveileder og

Professor Claire MacDonalds som biveileder



Prof. Emeritus Bjørn Kruse

Førsteamanuensis Electa Behrens

Leder av regiutdanningen og for kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ved Den Danske Scenekunstskole Inger Eilersen

My project explores new possibilities for cross-disciplinary music theatre, via the compositional tool of extended vocal practice.The goal of the research project is firstly to create musical/sonic and visual works for theatre, developing methods in which texts, sounds, scenic and kinetic elements come together as equivalent elements. Secondly, to develop a contemporary model for notation and scoring music theatre that can be used by artists across performance disciplines.


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