Daniel Formo


The Music of Language and Language of Music


NTNU, Institutt for musikk

NTNU, Department of Music


Disputas: 18.10.2018


Veileder: Øyvind Brandtsegg og Diemo Schwarz



Committee Chair: Professor Henrik Helstenius, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway 

Professor Cathy Lane, Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP), London College of Communication, London, UK 

TrondLossius, Head of Research, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway 

The artistic research project The Music of Language and Language of Music explores the relationship between music and speech, in particular between improvised music and everyday conversation. As a tool in this exploration, a digital musical instrument has been developed for “orchestrating” musical features of speech into music in real time. This has evolved into an electroacoustic performance concept entitled The Orchestra of Speech, where musical features of speech and conversation have been investigated and explored as sources for creating improvised music.


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