Rolf Borch

Contrabass clarinet


Norges Musikkhøgskole

Norwegian Academy of Music

Viva Voce: 17. november 2015


Veiledere: Professor Ivar Frounberg og klarinettist Ernesto Molinari 



Bassklarinettist Heikki Nikula, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra

Komponist og organist Nils Henrik Asheim, Stavanger

Professor Darla Crispin, NMH

In october 2011 I started a project that was then called ”Contrabass Clarinet”. I wanted to become a contrabass clarinettist and expand knowledge and interest around the contrabass clarinet. Being aware that I didn’t quit playing the smaller clarinets, I also wanted to become a ”whole clarinettist with many main instruments”.

In this text I comment on my work with my two main research questions and the two main formats in the project: The Studies and the Interpretation Experiments. I explain how the project has changed from the first revised project outline. Some of the things I write are obvious to clarinettists and the text is not as elaborate as the text in the orchestral excerpts book. It is written quite fast in the four weeks after my final concert and it has not been translated by professionals. The main part of the insight and knowledge generated in my project, is found in the Studies and Interpretation Experiments. 


NMH | Rolf Borch: Kontrabassklarinett og Houvenaghels orgel