Liv Bugge


The Other Wild


Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Kunstakademiet

Oslo National Academy of hte Arts, Academy of Fine Art

Disputas: 14.05.2019


Veileder: Susanne Winterling, Professor, NTNU/ Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Trondheim/ Berlin og Dr. Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Franz Boas Professor, Colombia University, New York



Natasha Marie Llorens, Marseille/New York (Chair)
Dr. Elke Marhöfer, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Denise Ferreira Da Silva, director, professor, The University of British Columbia

The Other Wild interrogates internalized normative structures that harness and govern life as well as non-life, and examines ways in which these structures incorporate exclusion and demonization of states of body and mind. I choose to call these excluded things ‘wildness’, and to ask: What might this ‘wildness’ be? Posing this overarching question through artistic practice, the following subsidiary questions will be posed:

How do contemporary politics and juridical systems inhabit individual bodies, and how do normative structures manifest themselves within the body? At which point is this linked to different systems of belief and historical power relationships? How and with what justification does this extend out from the body into the land, entities and life and our notions of wilderness? I will use the term “structural magic” as a tool to look at the paranormal (beyond normal) and inter-normal activity performed in structures like state institutions, as well as the individual and collective body.

The Other Wild poses these questions through different examples and art works, located specifically within and in relation to the Scandinavian welfare state.

At its core, The Other Wild aims to look for potential resistance within the structures of governance and control through a research-based artistic practice. Through exploration of methods of artistic production both material and immaterialssion of the potential of art during times of social, economic and political change.

Liv Bugge ble tatt opp i stipendiatprogrammet, og senere overført til og uteksaminert fra doktorgradsprogrammet i KU ved KHiO.

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